Some character background:
Personality: Generally jovial, but mood can turn on a dime when he perceives things are turning against him. Flexible ethical worldview, but there is a line… somewhere. Regularly says a “prayer�? to whatever god seems appropriate at the time Sincerely prays to Lob, Talks to the trees along his path Just a wee bit cynical. Doesn’t have much experience with the occult, but given what he’s seen in the normal world, it’s unlikely to phase him. “I seen worse. You shoulda kenned that toothless crone down by the docks in Vhuemach. Nog’d do ya better…�? Likely to be a very hard sell, but has a strong “what the fuck�? streak Not particularly charming, but has a way of getting what he wants Knows his way about the commonfolk well enough, not so good with the royalty Intentionally seeks out the oddest route and goal
Appearance: Mid-length wavy black hair, usually with a twig or three embedded in it Would have a Mediterranean complexion, but too darkly tanned for that Medium tall, with a long gait and compact build Jarringly sharp features: nose, chin, ears Strong jaw Extra large feet Generally unclean, Long, thin, callused hands Wears a thong necklace made of boar’s teeth Sturdy, but very worn clothing, layered. A massively jury-rigged pack
Background: Recently, Kolya has been busy ferrying deposed Balancontian nobles around, a lucrative pursuit of which he begins to tire. Balancont itself is more and more difficult to traverse and leading fops around has grown wearying. His most recent work brought a minor noble family unable to maintain themselves indefinitely in Cuvauw to Imphomonee in search of new business ventures and new allies. Kolya doesn’t really care much to be honest. He knows this family is a year at the outside from having to face reality and take up real work, wherever that can be found. He supposes they have as good a shot in Imphomonee as anywhere. At least the daughter was willing and energetic, in a clumsy, fish out of water sort of way. His advice regarding the liberal, but choosy use of her… charms in this new city didn’t go over so well, but his sort of wisdom never did. She’d learn in time.
At the moment, Kolya is at a crossroads. Where he goes isn’t so much as important as how he goes. No more helpless wretches for now. It’s time to get a little dirty. He hasn’t even been in a good scuffle in months.
The squid was a wee heavy-handed though. Subtle fellows they’re not.