The Minkush River is the major waterway in northern Rhiat, running north-south from the Swamps of Ramush to Vensat City, where it empties into the Sea of Storms. The river valley was the central region of the Eschlatli Empire, and still connects most of the influential cities of the region to this day. It marks the border between Ramush and Argaevaligne, as well as the spheres of influence of Vensat and Balaconth.
The Barony was orginally a province of the Eschlatli Empire, and previously a colony of the Maetah along the Red Coast inlet of the Minkush River. The Maetah (Early Archaevaligne) peoples found cleared space and plentiful building materials left by the ruins of the ancient Heteri city, Gezar. For decades the early settlers fought with the native Geblumin tribe, believed to be of Heteri descent, who lived in small villages in the hills lining the river valley. Minkaraph became the capitol of the Eschlatli at their prime, and was ravaged and rebuilt during warfare with the Mindat.
Pugshlow is a small fishing and trade port in the remote swamps of Ramush. It’s still a tradtional Chlendi community in most respects, and the home of notable shamans and devotees of the old spirits. Pugshlow is the jump point to a cave-ridden hill seen as a holy shrine to many adherents.
Old Chlendi capitol. Moved to Minkarapht after reformation into Eschlatli Empire. Held the culture’s great scholarly institutions, home to schools of sorcery as well as the National Observatory for the Clan of the Blue Moon, who traditionally headed the Astrologer’s Guild. The city was built far from waterways or exiting communities to mine a deposit of the sacred amberite, which was dug out from beneath the city itself, within it’s towering walls. Although the city is now only sparsely populated, mining continues to this day.
Built at the head of the Minkush River. The river drains a small lake which has coalesced from the flow of the swamps. A grand bridge was constructed during the founding of the Eschlatli Empire, named for General Photil, who crushed the remaining settlements of Chlendi resistence. The villages fought the establishment of the the Black Lily Crown, and saw it as a dissolution of the Chlendi blood and mystical heritage. Since the secession of the Duke of Ramush, it the bridge has been the center of open hostilities between the nations, and is now the capitol of Ramush.
Imphomonee is built around a set of prodigious waterfalls, which neutured to potential trade power of the MInkush River. The city guards a series of locks, canals, and portages developed to control and overcome the geographical limitations. Cutting-back, tiered roads leads up the hill on the west-side of the falls from the lower to the upper city. The city militia’s citadel sites at the base of the hill, regulating all traffice between the quarters. To the east, a series of towers are built upon outcrops from the cliff-face. Along the upper quarter a massive wall stretches along either side of the Minkush. The remnants of an archway reach precariously across the river from the estern side, and towers dot the wall every 50 yards.
City originally carved from the side of the cliffs as a Ningala fortress. Conquered by the Chlendi at the opening of the 2nd Epoch as their first act of war against the Heteri and their allies. The city has an open series of mines which drain into the Minkush, and yield copper ore and amberite, an amber coloured crystal favoured by the Chlendi.
Capitol of the nation (really city-state) of Vennosat. The most powerful trading city in the Rhiat, and home the greatest shipwrights of the Storm Sea. Residents see the city as the center of culture and fashion of Rhiat, and strive to keep the travellers and sailors the mob the port out of their pristine inner quarter.