
Spellbook of Reevos, Maetah Witch

Description: Small, roughly bound book with glyphs writen in silver upon a brown hide cover.

Level 1

Level 2

Spell Descriptions

Coven’s Vengeance

Magician, 1st Level - Precept of Fury
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50’+ 5’/level

Casting of this spell requires blood - a pint or more for the uninitiated, but just a serious (1hp damage) cut to oneself for those trained in the tradition. Upon the spilling of blood and whispering of words, bolts of a viscous red-blood like enemy surge forth towards the desired target(s). The bolts will always hit if the target can be seen, regardless of cover or engagement. A shield spell or similar will absorb the attack.

Upon hitting, each bolt does 1d4+1 points of damage. A second cut (or pint) will increase the damaged to 1d4+2 points. A magician of 3rd level generates 2 bolts of the viscous energy, and 3 bolts upon attaining 5th level. Bolts can directed between multiple targets. Each additional bolt loosed requires additional sacrifice of blood. No saving throw is allowed.


Magician, 2st Level - Precept of Fury
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 100’

Causes foe with range to vomiting up blood and bile, and requires a save vs spells. If failed they take 2d6 points of damage and can act in the next round as they drog to their knees in agony. A successful saving throw results in half damage and allows the target to act normally.